Сигнали за корупция – МВР

by ASAP Ltd



Description: Directorate "Internal Security" is a structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for operative-investigative, informational-analytical and organizational activities for the prevention, prevention, interception and detection of crimes committed by employees of the Ministry. Directorate "Internal Security" - Ministry of Internal Affairs currently serves the telephone line for reporting to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the website for reporting illegal acts committed by police officers.The application builds on the existing channels for reporting violations and/or crimes against MIA officials, namely an automated phone line and a website for reporting crimes, corrupt behavior, abuse of power or other wrongdoing by MIA officials .This mobile application was developed according to the project BGHOMEAFFAIRS-4.001.0001 "Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption", financed with funds under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in full compliance with the provisions of Annex 3 of the NFM Implementation Regulation 2014-2021, The design and communication manual published at https://www.eeagrants.bg/, the communication plan of the project.